Friday, November 27, 2020

Designing and Building a Rube Goldberg Machine

We have been learning about Rube Goldberg Machine. They use chain reactions to do something. Our goal was to trap a monster.1 the hardest part for me was build the cups together to make with the dominos block and the stick with balls so when the ball hits the other ball then it hits the cup onto the other cup like a cage beside the dominos block so we could catch the monster cause we put it behind the dominos blocks.2 I loved it when we tried our hardest as a team to succeed/And my design was the same or different from other people's projects as my final machine so thanks for looking at my blog and I hope you’ve enjoyed today so goodbye.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Number Story Problems

I took a screenshot of the same maths story problems and drew/found pictures to solve the problems. This helped show that multiplication is repeated addition.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Earthquake building/structure

So I will show how to make a building

1.get some clay and earbuds 

2.the reason why the blog is about earthquakes is that I am learning how to survive from dangerous stuff

3.cut the clay and roll it then smashes it

4.then stick the earbuds together with the clay 

5.put clay on top of the earbuds to make them still decorate it with your group 


Friday, August 7, 2020


Yesterday day we went to Harold and Nicole’s van

when we went to Harold we watch a movie 

when we did we counted to 10

then we danced and we were superhero’s

we went because it was about to be lunchtime

them I was luck wow cause it was so cool so then we went

Monday, July 27, 2020

My comic

Today I was watching my tv so then I thought about me being a superhero so I tried to fly so I tried and it worked but a minute ago I fell and crash into the box’s so I hit my head and then I got dizzy so I threw up so I was done so my mum came and saw the mess then she said what happened so I said me so I said sorry then she slapped me so my dad was like what’s happening in that room the end. so how I did my story is that I added punctuations, add my mom, my dad, words so yeah.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Blog Profile

Hello my name is semi

 and I’m room4

 I’m eight years old 

my culture is Tongan 

my favourite thing in class is maths and reading sometimes it’s tricky

 my favourite colour is red and black.