Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Calendars shows us the day, week or month.

There are 12 moths in the year, they are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Months have 28, 30 or 31 days. 

There are number patterns on the calendar by looking for four connecting days for example 20, 60 and 100.


 Today Group A have worked on our balancing.

First is that we learnt what we had to do which is that we needed to go into group of 4/5 people just to use two of the HPE equipment. ("The equipment was the frisbee, rugby balls, basketballs, hokey sticks and balls, and a bounce ball")

Next is that we had to balance with one foot while we were throwing the ball which is the equipment to each other.

Then after each and every 5 minutes we have to go to every station to use every equipment.

After when we were nearly done which it took 20 minutes we had been told from our teacher to make a blog about the reveal,event, make a recount.

Finally when we were done with every station we were swapped with Group B while we had to do our work.


 Today me and Whae Odie have worked on a google drawing.

First is that we had been told of what we had to do, which is that we needed to use our chromebook to make a google drawing and go on our LS1 site to go on our maori learning.

Next is that we have been reminded that we can use the moari dictionary for the maori learning.

Then we had to make our own google drawing and we had to use images of a fridge, oven, cereal, pot, microwave, sink, plate, knife, fork, and spoon which was really hard cause i needed to use a title too.

After that is that we have been reminded again which was that we had to been in groups of learning on how to speak in maori, which is that we had to speak maori and we saw that Whae Odie passed us some pictures.

Finally is that we were done but now we had to blog it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cause and Effect

 A cause and effect means what happened and why it happened. A cause is the past that happened now and a effect is something that will happen in the future that will make sence with the cause. 

Explain that idiom

A idiom is a phrase that has a different meaning from the words used. For example someone said that he is in a performcane and I said break a leg which means good luck.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Problem Solving

 Today me and my teacher's class has worked on a document called "Problem Solving".

First is that our teacher told us what number we are, which I was number 4. And we had to get a white board, marker, and a chromebook

Next is that we were done finding our groups ("our members of the group was Xavier, Ahli, Bella, and Mellisa") until we had to read 6 long sentence's to just understand.("The sentence's were including everyone to found out what the answers were").

Then when we were trying to find out what the answers were, I was actually surprised that our group answerd 5/6 of the sentence's.

After that we were on the last sentence, but I was kind of shy for us to answer.

Finally we actually answerd until we actually got the sentence right.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Analog Clock

 Today I have worked on apart of my work called "Analog Clock".

First is that my teacher made a document for me and the class to make a copy on it for us.

Next is that we had to use the analog clock and take a screenshot on it to put in the text box. ("Sorry that there is 5/6 different clock")

Then I typed in the other text boxes with the pictures to tell how many minutes they're is.

After that I needed to use a website because I was at my house cause i had no time but at lease i finished the document.

Finally that i was done with the document called Analog Clock.


Basic Facts Boxes

 Today I did another Basic Facts Boxes.

First is that I went to find a slide for my basic facts boxes to work, then when I was done searching for a slide I had to do a challenge from my teacher, then I had to take a picture of it when I was done.

Next is that I had to set a timer on the mode called stop watch for the basic facts boxes.

Then I had to text in the text box that I was thinking that I could do better than what I've done.

After when I was done texting on the slide I was uploading the picture from the basic facts boxes challenge.

Finally when I was done I was actually very shocked cause I was done in 2 minutes and 25 seconds.


SSR Selfie

 Today I have done another SSR Seflie.

First is that I had to find a book, and a slide that is on my computer which i could find it on the LS1 site.

Next is that I had to text in the text box of what was the illustrator.

Then I texted in the other text box of what was the main character.

After that i had to make a recount about my book and list three interesting words and, type the meaning.

Finally when i was done i had to take a picture with the book so the audience's like you can know that it's me that made the SSR Selfie.

Reflection: I feel VERY VERY VERY happy and proud of myself

The three simple machines

 There are three similar simple machines. They are the lever, the inclined plane, and the wedge.

First is that I have been working on three documents for the three simple machines.

Next when I was started on my three document, and i even used the pictures from the LS1 media.

Then when I was workng on the three documents I was kind of struggling cause of the typing.

After when I was nearly done I was kind of tired that i had to put all the information for the three simple machines.

Finally when I was done i had to blog it for the three similar simple machines.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Block twister

 Today me and my teacher's class was playing a activity which is called block twister and its about HPE.

First we had to be a semi circle for us to play.

Next our teacher showed us a example of how to play with two men's.

Then when they were done we started on playing for real. It was very funny that i felt like i was gonna fall.

After that it probably took me 30 minutes to keep my balance still.

Finally we had to finally do a blog about the activity called block twister.

Reflection: That was so fun that it felt like it took the game probably 50/30 minutes for the game to end.


 Today i learnt what keywords are.

First is that keywords have a secret meaning.

Next is that the keyword you have could be interseting.

Then my teacher told us that he made a document about keywords and then put a link in it.

After that i was already half done on my work, but there was one thing, it was that people like me were struggling at the start of the document.

Finally when i was done our teacher even did 4/5 lnks on his document which one of the links were called practice, explain which was very interesting about that.

Reflection: I was VERY happy that i have showed it to everyone in my group.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cause and Effects

 Today we learned what a cause and effects are.

A effect means what happened.

A cause means the reason why it happened.

First is that I our teacher tokd us to go on his documant that he made.

Next is that there was pictures in large sqaures, and there was empty sqaures for me to put the pictures in it and make a sentence in the little box so, and there was a big box below the little box so when im done on making the sentence's i could make a big senctence including what are in the pictures.

Then when I was half done our teacher reminded us that he putted some links in the documant to practice.

After that I was nearly done on the pictures,sentences and boxes until i was thinking if i could practice after when I was done on the documant.

Finally I was done on the documant from an hour, then i went to practice before i had to do the blog.

Reflection: I am so happy that I think im a amazing boy.


 I learned that predicting means guessing of what happened in a book, in the world, in the future, or in the past. 

First we were predicting about a book called winter sports, it was about ice skating, skiing, snow fighting, and ice hokey. 

The next different thing about this is that we had to predict which is that we had to think of what the people were doing in the book.

Then we had to make a blog about prediction, so then we had to make a title, events, and a reflection.

 Finally when i was done i was thinking about what i have done, im thinking that i have done amazing work.

Reflection: I was so happy that i have learnt what predicting is.

Te reo maori

I learnt how to say hoatu te ki te taha maui

From last week Whaea Odie taught us tenei, tena and tera.

The new sentence we learned was hoatu te ... ki te taha maui. For example hoatu te ..pene (pen) ki te taha maui.

I was really proud of myself on how to learn on how to speak in maori.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Simple machines

Simple machines are for people to move an object.



3.Wheel and axle

4.Inclined plane

