Friday, July 2, 2021

Table mat

 Today I used skimming and scanning to record the idea's on a task which is called table mat information.

First, me and my group readed a book called New Zealand Filmmakers. It is about New Zealand Filmmakers and what movies have they created. So we used skimming and scanning on the fiction and non fiction books.  Skimming is kind of like an airplane. me and my group were reading down the page looking for keywords. Scanning is kind of like an helicoptor or a airplane, you can stop and hover by focusing on the piece of text.  

Next, we did the table mat activity. We had to find keywords and define 1 of them. we then switched chrome books with eachother and checked our work.

Finally me and my group did the what I would ask and the key questions. Key questions are like questions that author thought about before writing the book. 

me and my group enjoyed this activty because we used skimming and scaning to find imformation about a person I have never heard about.

Party Popper

My Gorup and I designed a party popper.

First I used all the parts which is I had to make a party popper, it ended very well when I put more details about the party popper.

Next I put all the parts of the party popper all together.

I used all the parts which are rubber band, string, paper cup, tooth pick, filling, and the nut and bolt for it together so it could make a party popper. really good cause of the part where i put all the parts together

To finish up, when I was done putting the parts all together to make a party popper, I had to take a picture of it when I was done.

For example, I used a camera to take a picture of it to put on my blog. It ended brilliantly and amazingly.

I learned a lot about how happy I was when I took a picture of the party popper so I could put it on my blog. I liked it when I put more information about the party popper and the parts i would do better on my party popper and the parts so i could tell more information about the party popper and the parts.