Sunday, April 18, 2021

AFL Training Week 2

 Group A  did skills from Coach Becs.

The first skill we did was shown how to do handball (hit the ball). We had to put your dominant hand into a fist and the other hand into a dinner plate. We had to hit the ball at the X from the dinner plate. We hit the ball to our partners.

The second skill was how to do a drop pot (kick). We had to face the lace from your face and the two X's to face the sky and the ground then we have to make an M on the ball. We kicked the ball to our partners.

Next, we used the handball skill to play octopus. We had fun playing octopus but it was tiring.

Then we played kick the ball with our teachers and the coach. We missed the teachers and the coach but I decided to join the teachers and the coach. Group B tried their best to hit us but they only got Mr. Ogilive two times.

I had fun playing AFL (Australian Football League) I want to play this again, I really need to practice handball and drop pot



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